
CAOE is developing new, innovative approaches in emerging data analytics, operations research and systems analysis, economic analysis and homeland security risk science to enhance planning, detect patterns and  model likely outcomes in real-time. 

Using these approaches, the CAOE works with DHS to create action plans to mitigate risk for the best human and economic outcomes.

Research areas

Data analysis

Real-time rapid response

In the world of big data, it is challenging but imperative to identify critical information. To address this, the CAOE explores new ways to integrate and investigate multiple data sources. New analytical tools will allow for key information to be identified rapidly and will improve the accuracy of predicting events impacting national security.

Featured project
Assessing trustworthiness of AI-enabled systems

Operations research and systems analysis

Improving process and decision time

Data availability and computational speed have made large-scale operational research more efficient and allow for quicker decision-making. Current CAOE operations research and systems analysis projects include working with the TSA for faster checkpoints, planning for security at large public events, and improving response time and efficiency following natural disasters.

Featured project
Improving airport checkpoint efficiency

Economic analysis

Understanding the true cost

Effective economic planning requires understanding trade-offs. Data analysis and modeling can help agencies test the effect of different financial options without losing important services or increasing uncertainty.

Featured project
Modeling disruptions to the Marine Transportation System (MTS)

Homeland security risk sciences

Identifying and prioritizing risk

Changes in processes and procedures carry both potential rewards and possible risks. Homeland Security Risk Sciences look at how to identify and prioritize risks as well as how to communicate threats, vulnerability and consequences to decision makers to make the best choices for our national security efforts.

Featured project
Improving detection of threats at border operations

Explore our projects

The CAOE is committed to developing innovative tools and techniques to safeguard our homeland from potential threats and vulnerabilities.