
Four people looking over a document who are all gathered around a table with open laptops

Improving effectiveness of procurement processes

Properly managed contractor/supplier management systems include a robust performance monitoring and improvement mechanism. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is beginning to invest artificial intelligence/machine learning (AIML) technology into the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS).

Silhouettes of people, with backpacks, walking in a line to the right, led by children

Predicting cross-border migration patterns

The challenge of securing the safe, orderly, and humane processing of migrants who arrive at our Southwest border is renderedincreasingly complicated due to the growing volume and substantial variations of this influx of migrants.

Hand of a person holding a carry-on bag in an terminal.

Validating risk models

Efforts for homeland security face constantly evolving adversary tactics, rapid technological advances and changes in the overall environment. The challenge of preparing for new tactics is a very real risk for homeland security.